Neverwinter Nights Dark Sun [NWNDS] Issues & Information
This repo deals with project tracking, bugfixing & information for the NWN Dark Sun persistent world.
DMFI + ACP v41 + HCR2 + CEP 2.69 + PRC8
20 Base Classes & 52 Prestige Classes
15 new Athasian 3.5e classes from the Official Dark Sun Campaign Setting, with more to come.
25 Athasian Player races including 6 dynamic kreen models
10 Athasian Prestige races. Be the Belgoi!
15 Athasian animal companions, with more planned.
60+ new 3.5e spells from the Dark Sun Campaign Setting, wih more to come.
Dark Sun Mechanics: Defiling Razes, Favored Terrain, Gladitorial Performaces, Arcane Terrain Modifiers and more.
Custom Mount system. Mounted combat from an erdlu? Yes you can!
70+ Athasian poisons integrated into the the PRC's poisoncrafting system.
Custom Overworld Map System with over 240k square kilometers of Athasian terrain to explore.
EL TAFOD Randomized Encounter System - Encounter Level, Terrain, Activity cycle, Frequency, Organization and Difficulty is considered for each random encounter generated.
Contributions & Thanks
Acidchalk, Azimn, Draygoth, Tjured, Tonden - Models & tilesets
Dizzit_Gardan - Quests, scripting, tilesets & models.
Ebonfowl - Scripting
Draceran & Dromin - Wordsmithing
Cervantes - Athas Desert Exterior Tileset & portraits
Merricksdad - Granitelands 2, Red Desert & Deep Caverns Tilesets
LordofWorms - Jungle Mountain Tileset
Pasilli (R.I.P) & CTP - CTP Babylon Tileset
Mark Ip - Aztec Exterior Redux Tilset
ILmaTeR / ReAver - CODI/Daggerdale Swamp Tileset
Lord Rosenkantz - Hut Interiors v1.3
Zunath - Buildable Persistent Player Housing System
HCR2 - Hunger, Thirst & Fatigue
69MEH69 - Module Builders Henchman Kit
Quevy - Trap Strength Icons
Lucky Day & Ana - Tumbleweed Creature
Francis Bonin - "Desert Sun Monk"
Athas Reborn / Dark Sun Online Contributors
The PRC8 Team
The CEP2 Team
Athas Reborn & Dark Sun Online contributors:
Acidchalk, Andrak the Mad, Antoneagle, Aserath, Dante, Danule, Deek, Dom, Dreaderick, Dred, Drohgan, Elanthis Seldavius, Hellfire, Ihsaan, Jaysyn, Josten, Kenquinn, Klonapin, Kyriana Agrivar, Lorack, Magnus, Master Pain, Natana, NiteCap, Noob Punchingbag, Ranulf Majere, Rashod81100, Shadara, Sirna, Squirrel, Sutered, The Deadheart, The Inquisitor, The Obsidian Oracle, Tik, Trump, Wayne & Wrains